My Etch a Sketch Kvetch

Water Running Down The Reddish Basaltic Walls And Condensed Water Vapour Frozen Due To Year Round Minus Degrees In The Boy Scout Cave, A Underground Lava Tube In The Craters Of The Moon.

Terraformer 2000 came with a microphone, but no manual. It was the latest software from Landforms, LLC., a virtual replicator for the hologram television entertainment platform. Landforms specialized in virtual landscapes for Massive Arco Multiplayer Universes (MAMUs.) I put away my Cheerios, sat back and flicked on the mic. The mic searched for and found ... Read more


Majestic Vista

Martians had no concept of prejudice. Their brains were wired like lobotomized slugs: each experience was new. Yet, their transcendent race had accumulated the wisdom to recognize xenophobia as it applied to them. I blanched at the unusual combination of smell and terror-inducing hisses emanating from my tour guide. “Plack manu frobbish, Gia?” What are ... Read more